4 Examples When Retaining Wall Contractors Benefit A Home Makeover

Home makeovers mean transforming your property into a more appealing area and retaining wall contractors can help make it happen. From garden spaces to scenic drives, retaining walls have a wide variety of applications, and benefit property values in the process.

What is a Retaining Wall?

The most commonly used definition of a retaining wall is a semi-rigid device used to control material laterally. They are used to create flat spaces, channel water, and control erosion, and for decorative applications or as functional bulwarks. While the rest of your home is getting a new look, retaining walls will assist you in doing the same for the landscaping.

  1. Control Erosion

When your property is sloped, rainwater is a very destructive force. Retaining wall contractors will strategically place retaining walls to control the flow of water and reduce the rate of your topsoil washing over to your neighbor’s lawn. Retaining walls can be placed at differing heights or contrasting angles to manage water flow and capture organic debris.

  1. Create a Garden

Removing existing soil and installing retaining walls is an excellent way to create a patio, flower beds, or your own organic garden area. A well-placed retaining wall can open up a broad area for entertaining guests, making a larger driveway, or anything you need flat space for– even if it is just a place to put an outdoor equipment shed.

  1. Landscaping Options

Retaining walls are an excellent way to create a layered landscaping display, change the pitch of your driveway and parking area, and more. Retaining walls are available in a variety of types and styles, and can be used for many situations where you want to change the elevation of an area in metered stages.

  1. Property Value

Whether you are making your lawn more functional or creating a brand-new aesthetic experience, installing quality-built retaining walls can boost your property value significantly. If you plan to sell in a few years, or just want to leave a little more for posterity, retaining walls create flat spaces wherever you need them and control erosion in sensitive locations.

Retaining walls will benefit your home renovation in other ways. They are a common way to stop foundations from settling, or correct for earth movements during seismic activity. If you notice a zig-zag pattern emanating outward from the walls– interior or exterior– it is almost certainly an indication that your home has shifted somewhat, and a retaining wall may be the solution.

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